Spiritual Place.


Kauai is a beautiful and spiritual place. The energy here is amazingly.  So much Hawaiian history. It reminds me of the Native American  culture. I am truly  blessed to be here and experience this all. We saw the sleeping giant today.

The Nounou Mountain ridge bears a striking resemblance to a sleeping giant. Legend states that this giant once roamed the land and was much loved by the Hawaiians. They planted taro fields in his footsteps. One day the village chief wanted a new heaiu built. The villagers were much too busy farming so the giante volunteered. It took him two weeks to complete the project and when he was done, the village had a luau for him. It is said that after eating so much at the party, the giant laid down and has not awoken yet.

Love these legends.

Peace and Progress


About lauriepuntney

I am a business owner and spiritual educator, I believe we are all energy and that we can shift unhealthy beliefs that no longer serve us. That our purpose is to love what we do and do what we love. Because I believe that we are the closest to spirit when we are in nature, I like to blog my own discovers and inspirational messages with beautiful photographs. I hope to inspire and impact those who visit my blog. I enjoy yoga, running, golf, and meditation. All that bring me to my center in Spirit. Namaste
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